Sunday, January 23, 2011


Here's the Skeleton of the character that I'm rigging right now. All controllers are freeze transformed and channels are cleaned up.
-IK/FK switches are all done (fuchsia handles)
-Wrist and Foot Controllers control IK and the rings do the FK.
-The controller at the back controls the torso/spine and clusters.
-Small arrows at the back are pole vector constraint controllers for the arm IK handles.
-I made each pole vector controller's color match the arm it's controlling.

I hope it's not too colorful. Next steps would be fingers>head>skin bind>facial rig>dynamics


  1. This looks pretty good Evan. What kind of spine are you using and foot controllers?. Fk Spine if Fine and group method for the foot

    I will try to animator break it Tuesday



  2. Yeah, I'd like you to try and break it! It probably won't be attached to the skin yet though, because I'm not sure if there will be some changes made with the character's mesh.

    Anyway, I'm using group method for the foot controls, and set driven key to control the spine clusters for bending movements.
