Anyway, I decided that I would go for a character + asset type of thing, by putting the characters in VERY small scenes (larger than pedestals, like room corners) to show off a wider range of skills.

This is my female assassin character, Damascia. She's still in the beginning stages, but i'm sure i can have her mostly done before wk 3 class. On the right is a simplified concept of her that I did in Flash.

Here is a stone/undead demon. He levitates, has a long extendable tail, and is kinda falling apart. I cant find the drive with the concept on it at the moment, but I'll look for it and bring it with me to class, the color scheme is really nice. I want this piece to mostly be a showcase of fully handpainted textures, just diffuse, spec, and glow, no normals or high res sculpt.

This is the head of one of my roomates that I did in the Zbrush class. It's going to be a bust of a space cadet type character. going to scar him up a little and add an animated helmet.

Finally here is a goblin. Just a typically everyday monster you might see in a game, ultimately i want to pose several of them (with slightly varying color palletes) in a very small scene. I havent made the changes you've suggested yet, because I'm taking this guy into Zbrush and I'm going to retopo him from there, but I'm keeping everything you suggested in mind.
I realize that I have my work cut out for me, but I think I can pull it off. If not, I'll stick around for an extra 10 weeks of polish. If possible I'd like to fit a super high poly character in, like a giant boss dragon.
Work on your textures like we discussed and start thinking of a nice palette
ReplyDeleteLook at CG society of Game artisans and look at the contrasting paelttes and how they draw the eye