So this week I finished my Gears of War PC MP level MP-Station. I created two version for this level the first being the standard MP level that can be played online and the second version is a bot version that simulates a 5v5 warzone match. The second thing I started work on is another MP level for Gears that implements Epics LD approach from Gears 2 which is small levels that put you into the fight almost instantly after spawn. Since this is a much smaller level in scope than MP-Station I have gotten alot of head way on the level in a short amount of time roughly 2 hours of work so far and I am starting to get into deco meshing already. Thirdly I have started work on my SP level that will hopefully be testable in class on Tuesday but with the release of Portal 2 in 39 hours from the time of this post and most likely that timer will get shorter very soon and playable SP level this week might not happen.
Looks great so far Jack......PORTFOLIO FIRST GAMES LATER....OR NO GRADUATING.....yeah that's right it was caps. OH SNAP