Got the lighthouse light all synced and rotating perfectly, just made another Mover mesh and animated it with the cone. Populated the roof with the modular pipes, decals, puddles, and particles. Made an additional decal for simple grunge stains on static meshes for asylum and courtyard. Tweaked UDK's existing particle system for falling leaves to create a new one (with new leaf texture) that looks like the leaves are blowing with the wind instead of just floating down.
Also, did the terrain, materials, and repopulating it with speedtree actors across several deco layers. Had a bitch of a time getting the three materials I wanted working on the terrain. Had the cliff rock and the grass working, but the when making the material for the dirt road the terrain would go multicolored once the normal nodes were applied. Read through the documentation and understood that I had too many texture samples going on for the terrain. I have a lot going on in those material networks, so they look badass with practically no visible seams.
The documentation lists a total of 16 texture samples on Shader Model 3.0, but doesn't list any info for the capabilites of DirectX 11 Shader Model 4.0 that I'm currently utilizing. So after some playing around I got it working and deduced that SM 4.0 can handle roughly 22 texture samples on terrain. Got my networks down to that number by placing my grunge masks inside the alpha channel of the texture samples instead of having the grunge masks on a separate texture sample set where each channel (ARGB) has its own mask.
Just need to finish up a few remaining assets, stairs and whatnot. Easy money. However, still having that weird lighting issue on the top trim of the asylum architecture. This latest lightmass build was only at Medium, so maybe Production will fare differently. Production build times are getting up there though...
I'll be making the same modifications to Shantytown MP map on the terrain, so I can put in the road system for that as well. Finish a few remaining assets on that (power lines, cabling, etc.) and its done.
As for the Cereal Killers senior project thats going in my port, we're fixing some issues with the collision data on ACT 1 (ACT 1 is what I'll be showing in the reel). Should have it fixed and showable come Monday.
Good Stuff Aaron. You can increase your build will less speed tree factory items...It runs a bit fast with a few less on these machines at school. Good to know about the shader network limitations. Explains a lot in my Game Modeling and Animation class. We always get the multicolored happening after 3 textures. Good stuff. We just need to use textures with limited networks...Kind of sucks because with older version of Unreal and even Unreal 2004 it wasn't an issue. More powerful the engine the more Direct X may have a hard time. Lots of factors and makes perfect sense. You think it wouldn't