So, working on getting the last remaining assets in. Just have to finish the modular pipes, and a few additional vegetation pieces really. I would like to make some ivy to crawl up the towers in the courtyard and along the foundation brick of the asylum (think it will create a nice visual break from the symmetry of the art deco architecture). Got the lighthouse texture panning good, need to get the light cone to do the same. Possibly animate through Kismet and Matinee? Neither of which are my strong suit, so may wait to do that until next week in class.
Other than that I'm tweaking existing textures to boost the color of the bronze metalwork, and finding the sweet spot for the flickering emissive on certain materials. Also, redoing the texture for the pillars. Too much brick in the building design, want to see more metalwork. I made a nice custom material network thats been carrying the majority of material jobs with a few variations where needed.
After that its landscape, lighting fixes, and camera flythroughs. Lighting issues are occurring with lighting information being poorly matched between two stacked meshes, like the upper building trim. Going to switch projects for now, finish the few assets I want done for the ShantytownSkirmish MP map. Screw around with some DX11 stuff some more.
Good Progress Aaron but can you be more specific with the issues of the light. Are the shadows floating?...Or are there sorting issues? I can show you how we can animate in matinee if you forgot. Not sweat