Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cooley wk1

I've been waiting over 24hrs for a photo hosting site to come off maintenance so I'd have more than a little thumbnail to work with, but thats not seeming likely. Anyway, here is what i've accomplished over the week for my goblin:

The goblin is sitting at 4980 and the little scene is 5500


  1. Off set the stump so it's NOT directly behind him

  2. Have you fixed anything or added anything to the character.....try posting a larger image

  3. Right now the character is just in his standard pose, when i pose him, he'll be offset from the stump, right now they're just together more or less to show the scale i was going for.

    Photobuckets been having maintenance past 24hrs, i haven't been able to upload a larger version, and blogger seems to butcher the images. Will post as soon as I get a chance.

  4. Or send it to me as an attachment zipped up
